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Epiphany Episcopal Church

Epiphany Episcopal Church


Epiphany Episcopal Church

2507 Del Prado Blvd S
Cape Coral, FL 33904 | View on Google Maps
(239) 574-3200 | fax: none
Connect With Us
Since 1963, Epiphany has been a place of hospitality, worship and Christian formation. As a parish within the Episcopal Diocese of SWFL, we are a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our worship services may vary in style, but the basic format and structure are the same wherever you go. Everyone can find a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church.

We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person. We are followers of Jesus Christ seeking to grow in faith, love and outreach to our wider community. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion.

All are welcome and accepted in the Episcopal Church. Our church is run by lay people and clergy working and making decisions together in an open and democratic process. Everyone has full access to marriage and all ministries. Our faith is a living faith and our church is a community. Epiphany has an array of outreach ministries and worship activities. We strive to build bridges with others within the larger social community.

Our call to hospitality is taken seriously and is a vital part of who we are. We participate in communal worship, gather for social events throughout the year and enjoy great food, fun and fellowship. Epiphany offers: pastoral care; celebration of the Sacraments; organ/choir/music; Bible Study and book groups; service, fellowship and outreach opportunities; Healing Ministry; pastoral outreach to the homebound; 12-Step Recovery Groups on site; men and women’s Fellowship and Breakfast Groups; weekly after service coffee hours; and a Memorial Garden.
Member Since: 2022
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