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Macaroni KID

Macaroni KID


Macaroni KID

Cape Coral, FL 33909 | View on Google Maps
(239) 292-0689
Connect With Us

Macaroni KID is the nation's largest single publishing platform answering the question for families:“What are we doing today?” for more than 3,000,000 families in 4,000+ communities across the country. Each Macaroni KID community is managed by a local publisher who publishes weekly, hyper-local e-newsletters and websites featuring events, activities, products and places for parents, kids and families. They host local events and parties and connect with their communities via social media. They enrich communities by connecting the libraries, schools, rec centers, community centers and all of the wonderful organizations and businesses that create programming and fun for kids and families with local families.

Member Since: 2023
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